The age old profession could be a solution to the nation's projected OB-GYN shortageASHEVILLE - Rani Khan "caught" her first baby when she was just 4 years old. Her mother, a natural health advocate, had planned a home birth and Khan's sister came sooner than expected. It was just Khan and a birth assistant there to help the laboring woman. The toddler had pushed a chair to the wall to reach the rotary phone and call for help, but the baby came before the midwife arrived.
Kahn's mother labored for only 15 minutes. The young girl was sitting on a futon when she witnessed her sister's first breath. It was an experience she never forgot. By age 39, Kahn, now a certified nurse midwife, has delivered some 3,000 babies, even though she has no children of her own. Read more here.
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Beth WaltonWriter, World Traveler, Mother. These are my stories. Archives
August 2018